Transforming Your Academic Work Into “Brainy Non-Fiction”

Posted by Avi Staiman, community karma 57
How have scholars, such as Yuval Noah Harari, taken the leap from academia to the popular public sphere?

Join us for a roundtable discussion on the steps authors take to successfully making the transformation to a general audience.

We will be joined by:
Heather Gold, Yale University Press
Michael Watson, Cambridge University Press
Richard Baggaley, McGill-Queen's University Press

Register for free today!
almost 3 years ago

1 Comment

Michael Konrad, community karma 67
This sounds like a great event. I believe Carol Dweck, author of Mindset: The New Psychology of Success also achieved this leap. Any chance that the sessions will be recorded for people who register but can't attend?
almost 3 years ago
Hi Michael, Thank you for reaching out! We will be recording the event and sharing it with everyone afterwards. If you would like the recording, please register for the event and you will automatically receive the recording. Thank you!
Avi Staiman – almost 3 years ago
Done! Thank you for your help and I look forward to the event.
Michael Konrad – almost 3 years ago
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