Founded in 1965, THĒMIS-Law Review is the oldest legal journal in Peru developed by students. At present, the Law Review runned by students at the Pontifical Catholic University (PUCP), School of Law, is also one of Latin America’s most notable legal journals. The Law Review has published or translated many notable authors including Kelsen, Häberle, Sunstein, Coase and Posner, amongst others. Relevant subject areas include, but are not limited to, the law of contracts, law and economics, antitrust, international, and legal tech. We publish two issues with articles written by scholars, practitioners, and law students.
Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru
corporations, banking & financial institutions, intellectual property law, antitrust, international trade, contract law, comparative law, law history
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: 37
About Me
- Fernando de Trazegnies, “Actual Peru and the (In)dependence of the national social cotntext,” THĒMIS-Law Review, 2013. Pages 6
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