REMINDER - Call for Submissions: Fordham Urban Law Journal Online

Posted by Senior Articles Editor, community karma 99

The Fordham Urban Law Journal is excited to announce that we are now accepting pieces for publication in our newly reimagined online platform, the Fordham Urban Law Journal Online.

ULJ Online is the Urban Law Journal’s online counterpart. Like the print version of the JournalULJ Online is committed to addressing legal and public policy issues affecting urban populations across the nation and throughout the world. However, ULJ Online focuses on timely scholarly pieces accessible to a broader audience than our print publication. ULJ Online seeks scholarship that facilitates ongoing discussion of emerging legal issues, including pending legislation, recent/upcoming SCOTUS decisions, and other relevant topics.

Forms of submissions eligible for publication include timely essays analyzing discrete legal issues, book reviews, responses to Articles and Essays published in the print Urban Law Journal, dialogues, graphic-intensive empirical studies, and other submissions tailored to the online format. ULJ Online prefers to publish pieces between 2,000 and 5,000 words, but will consider pieces containing up to 7,500 words. 

For particularly timely pieces, we can offer expedited publication turnaround.

The Fordham Urban Law Journal is the second-oldest publication and most-cited specialty journal at Fordham Law School.  The Journal is also the sixth-most cited public policy law journal edited by students in the country and is one of the few journals that focuses particularly on urban legal policy.

Please review our Scholastica page for more information on how to submit. Please direct any inquiries or questions regarding the submission process or ULJ Online to and, addressed to: Senior Articles Editor & Online Managing Editor.