Fordham Urban Law Journal: Call for Submissions

Posted by Senior Articles Editor, community karma 99
The Fordham Urban Law Journal is accepting articles and essays for Volume 50.1, the first of our fiftieth anniversary volume. The Journal publishes themed Issues, this one focusing on the consumer debt space and the way different areas of law -- consumer finance and protection, bankruptcy, contract, etc. -- come together to impact the indebted consumer.

The Fordham Urban Law Journal has a strong history of addressing legal and public policy issues affecting urban populations across the nation and throughout the world.  The Journal is the second-oldest publication and most-cited specialty journal at Fordham Law School. The Journal is also the second-most cited public policy law journal edited by
students in the country and is one of the few journals that focuses particularly on urban legal policy.  

Articles and essays for this Issue can examine any aspect of the consumer debt space while emphasizing the intersection of different tools at the consumer's disposal. Of particular interest are works that specifically address this topic from the perspective of urban consumers.

We are accepting both essays over 5,000 words, and articles over 10,000 words. First draft submission are due July 15, and final draft submissions will be due September 1 for selected articles. If you intend to submit an article by July 15 or sooner, please reach out to with a brief description of the article topic.

Articles or essays can be submitted through  Scholastica or by email directly to Should you have any other inquiries, questions or
concerns, please reach out to Jacob Marcus, Senior Articles Editor, at