Calling for Submissions-- Villanova Law Review Online: Tolle Lege

Posted by Hannah Schroer, community karma 47

Villanova Law Review Tolle Lege is now accepting manuscripts on emerging legal trends and case law development impacting the Third Circuit. All articles are published online on a rolling basis and are available in legal databases such as Westlaw and Lexis.

As an online branch of Villanova Law Review, Tolle Lege promotes focused and fresh content to a broad audience. A source for real-time legal scholarship and practical insight into legal trends, we embody the spirit of Tolle Lege—take it up and read!

Who can submit?

Tolle Lege accepts submissions from scholars, judges, practicing attorneys, law clerks, and law students not already on a journal at the Villanova Charles Widger School of Law.

Tips for Submitting

Authors can submit articles for review via Scholastica, ExpressO, or by emailing

Submissions must be in Microsoft Word, double-spaced, and use Courier, New Courier, or Times New Roman fonts. While Tolle Lege has no upper word limit, the ideal submission is between 3,000 – 7,000 words.

All manuscripts must conform to The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (20th ed. 2015), and The Chicago Manual of Style (17th ed. 2017).

Although not required, we encourage authors to submit a source list or ZIP folder of sources. Doing so ensures accuracy on our part and speeds the editing process so your work can be published while it is freshest.

For more information, visit our journal's For Author's page.  Please direct any questions to Managing Editor Hannah Schroer at