Posted by Vallee Connor, community karma 153

Faulkner Law Review invites proposals for its 7th Annual Law Review Symposium, “The Role of the Legislature in the Anglo-American Tradition.” For the past two years, the symposium focused on the roles of the executive and judicial branches of Anglo-American governments.  This year’s symposium issue completes the theme and will be devoted to the consideration and critique of the ideas set forth in Legislated Rights: Securing Human Rights Through Legislation, co-authored by Grégoire Webber, Richard Ekins, and other world-class jurisprudence scholars and newly published by Cambridge University Press. 

Victoria Nourse, Professor of Law and Executive Director of the Center on Congressional Studies at Georgetown Law, will provide the lead contribution to this year's symposium issue, and one or more of the book’s authors will supply written replies to the reviews. Recent contributors to the symposium issue of the Faulkner Law Review include Hon. Bradley Miller, Prof. Winston Nagan, Prof. James R. Stoner, Jr., Hon. Kenneth Starr, Hon. William Pryor, and Prof. Robert Clinton. 

The Faulkner Law Review invites abstracts or proposals of 150 to 200 words submitted no later than October 15, 2018. Proposals should be accompanied by a CV and submitted to