Call for Papers - Kentucky Law Journal Symposium - The Racial Wealth Gap

Posted by Samuel Weaver, community karma 14455

The Kentucky Law Journal is pleased to invite proposals for its annual symposium, which will be held in the Fall of 2021.  The KLJ symposium is entitled The Racial Wealth Gap, and will focus on the legal and historical factors that have contributed to the current state of the wealth disparity in the United States that falls largely along racial lines.  This disparity has been increasingly the focus of academic and policy research, and this Symposium aims to bring together practitioners, policy researchers, and scholars to explore this issue.  In particular, the KLJ encourages submissions that consider tax law, property law, and other legal systems that have created and reinforced the conditions that lead to White families having median wealth of approximately $188,000, while Black families have median wealth of only 15% of that amount, or approximately $24,000.  In addition to exploring the evolution of the problem, the KLJ especially encourages submissions that explore possible solutions or proposals that would ameliorate the disparity. 

The KLJ expects to host this symposium in person in beautiful Lexington, Kentucky, on October 22, 2021 (date subject to change).  In addition to presentations at the symposium event,  presenters will have the opportunity to publish pieces in Volume 110 of the Kentucky Law Journal, or in the Kentucky Law Journal Online.  The editors are particularly interested in publications in the range of 8,000-12,000 words, or shorter pieces for the online edition.  In order to apply for the symposium, please submit an abstract of no more than 1,000 words, including whether or not you would like the piece to be considered for publication.  In addition, please submit a current CV.  Submissions are due by June 1, 2021, at  Please send any questions to: Kelly Daniel, Editor-in-Chief of the Kentucky Law Journal, at; Kendra Craft, Kentucky Law Journal Symposium Chair, at; or Professor Jennifer Bird-Pollan, symposium faculty sponsor, at


Samuel Weaver

Managing Articles Editor