Call for Papers: 2017/18 Intellectual Property Edition, Akron Law Review

Posted by Nick Bagnolo, community karma 27

The Akron Law Review invites papers regarding any and all issues related to the field of intellectual property. Each spring, the Akron Law Review publishes a separate edition dedicated to the practice of intellectual property law, known as the Intellectual Property Edition. Past publications have covered topics ranging from patents and trademarks, to IP licensing, copyrights, and a host of other IP related issues. We encourage the submission of all articles which may serve to have an impact on the field and practice of intellectual property. This issue of the Intellectual Property Edition will be published in the Akron Law Review in the spring of the 2017-2018 Academic Year.

We here at the Akron Law Review are very excited for this year’s IP Edition. A number of top scholars in the field of intellectual property will be gracing the pages of our publication this coming spring. Among those who will be publishing in the 2017/18 IP Edition are:

·         Mark McKenna, Notre Dame Law School

·         Scott Kieff, George Washington University Law School

·         Patrick Goold, Harvard Law School

·         Janewa Osei-Tutu, Florida International University College of Law

·         Srividhya Ragavan, Texas A&M University School of Law

·         Dalindyebo Shabalala, Case Western Reserve University School of Law

·         Saurabh Vishnubhakat, Texas A&M University School of Law

In addition to the above list of authors, there is still room for yet a few more articles in this year’s IP Edition. We invite anyone who wishes to join this prestigious list of scholars to submit an article for consideration in this year’s publication. 

The Akron Law Review strives to publish timely, high quality articles. For the five most recent years (2011-2015), the Akron Law Review ranked in the top 62 for student-edited, general journals in the Washington and Lee Law Library law journal rankings for “impact factor” and in the top 63 for student-edited, general journals in the category of “combined score.” This year’s annual IP Edition will continue the tradition of strong contribution to the constantly evolving landscape of intellectual property.

We welcome articles and essays of any length. We request article submission no later than August 31, 2017. You may submit proposals and manuscripts to the Akron Law Review by:

(1) Submitting a manuscript directly to the Akron Law Review via Scholastica;

(2) Submitting an electronic copy of your article to Nick Bagnolo, Managing Editor of the IP Edition, at; or

(3) Mailing a copy to The University of Akron School of Law, c/o Nick Bagnolo, 150 University Avenue, Akron, OH 44325-2901.

If you submit electronically, please indicate in the subject line of your e-mail that the submission is for the 2017-18 Intellectual Property Edition.

Please direct questions to Nick Bagnolo, Managing Editor of the IP Edition, Akron Law Review, at

about 7 years ago